Create Your Customized Event
Time is TBD
|Location is TBD
Create the ultimate unique & amazing class for your group. From adults to kids and especially teens; connection is what we are all striving for and looking for to fill our cups. Let's put the ideal event together for your group and most of all lets rise up our hearts to feeling fullfilled!!

Time & Location
Time is TBD
Location is TBD
About the Event
Event topics include but are not limited too:
Holistic Health
Sprouting & Greens
Raw Vegan or Nutrition
Healing from the inside out
Learn how to make your skin Glow
Remove all toxins from your home & body
Detoxing to your best Self
Soul Code - class or workshop
Emotional Traumas form our Physical Issues
Awareness to Emotions and Generational Patterns
Green Living
Essential Oils are life (many options here)
Create your own Natural Medicine Cabinet
Rollerball Workshop
Full Day Workshop on Finding You
How to Live at your body's Peak
Elevate: Mind.Body.Spirit
Paint & Roll your Soul
What is your Purpose
EFT Tapping & Manifesting
Cleanse & Restore
Eat to Thrive
Pet Health - help them thrive
I am Fabulous (one of my faves)
Superfood Strong
Cooking with Essential Oils
Symphony of Cellls Workshop
Pregnancy, Labor, Delivery & Mamahood
Life on Purpose
Essential oils of the Bible
My Balanced Day